Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wounded Trust

Wounded Trust is scheduled to be released in May 2012. A link on our website at www.OldeHomesteadSuites.com will direct anyone interested to a purchase site. Wounded Trust will also be available on Amazon and bookstores.

Our prayer is that Wounded Trust will draw you to the Heavenly Father who is the Healer of wounds.

I plan to keep posting periodically on Kira's blog. You can also check out woundedtrust.blogspot.com for more writings if you desire.

The postings on Kira's blog will continue to be sentimental, reflections of her life, things that stir up memories.

The postings on Wounded Trust will be more about me and daily ventures of living with a scar. My desire is to be an encouragement, reminder of the power of the cross, and bring praise to God.